§ 42-122-5 - Procedure for designation of non-state owned land as a natural area preserve.
SECTION 42-122-5
§ 42-122-5 Procedure for designation ofnon-state owned land as a natural area preserve. (a) The director may approve non-state owned land as a natural area preserveonly upon the recommendation of the natural heritage preservation commission(established under § 42-17.5-4) and only after a public hearing and uponnotice. The notice required under this section shall set forth a description ofthe proposed action, including a description of the land to be offered, and thetime and place of the hearing. The notice shall conform to the requirements of§ 42-35-1 et seq.
(b) The natural heritage preservation commission shall reviewrequests from municipalities, private land conservation organizations, andprivate landowners desiring designation of a parcel of land as a natural areapreserve, and make recommendations to the director. Any request must includethe written consent of the private landowner before any review shall commence.In making recommendations, it shall be guided by the natural heritage programand other relevant sources of information about critical environmentalresources. The natural heritage preservation commission may also, on its owninitiative, make recommendations for designation of areas to the director.
(c) To be designated a natural area preserve the propertyowner must voluntarily grant to the state of Rhode Island a conservationeasement, which shall include the reasons for the designation, and prepare amanagement plan for the preserve that defines the methods by which theeducational, scientific, biological, geological, paleontological, and/or scenicpurposes of the designation shall be carried out. The conservation easementshall be recorded in the land evidence records in the city or town where theparcel is located.
(d) In areas under the jurisdiction of the coastal resourcemanagement council (CRMC), the director shall coordinate with the CRMC areas tobe proposed for inclusion within the program.