§ 42-12.3-2 - Purposes.
SECTION 42-12.3-2
§ 42-12.3-2 Purposes. (a) It is the intent of the general assembly to assure access to thecomprehensive health care by providing health insurance to all Rhode Islanderswho are uninsured;
Universal comprehensive coverage for all Rhode Islanders is agoal to be achieved over the course of several years;
The first step in providing comprehensive health coverage isto assure coverage for the most vulnerable residents of the state;
Uninsured pregnant women and children under age eight (8) areamong the most vulnerable residents of the state; and
The governor's health care advisory committee has providedadvice and recommendations in its report of January, 1993 to improve access tohealth care for pregnant women and children up to age six (6);
The objectives to meet the goal of comprehensive healthcoverage are:
(1) Every child under age eight (8) in Rhode Island will havea reliable source of health coverage and health care;
(2) Every pregnant woman in Rhode Island will have early andcomprehensive prenatal and maternity care services;
(3) All low income families will have improved access tofamily planning and reproductive services; and
(4) Every pregnant woman and child in Rhode Island willreceive effective, preventive primary care.
(b) To assure access to care and availability of services,the following principles will guide the design of the health care act:
(1) There will be equal access to health care for childrenand pregnant women, regardless of the type of coverage;
(2) There shall be an emphasis on primary and preventive carewhich will include a "medical home" for every child;
(3) Current deficiencies in the fee for service deliverysystem will be addressed;
(4) In addition to accessibility of health care, provisionsmust be made to address language, cultural and transportation barriers;
(5) Enrollment must be both timely and accomplished in a userfriendly fashion;
(6) An adequate source of primary care providers should bedeveloped;
(7) An enhanced set of services should be developed tosupport and address the needs of families at risk.