§ 42-12.2-2 - Definitions.

SECTION 42-12.2-2

   § 42-12.2-2  Definitions. – (a) "Center for independent living" means a program of services or a facilitywhich offers a combination of independent living services for individuals withsignificant disabilities or groups of individuals with significant disabilitiessuch as, but not limited to:

   (1) Intake counseling to determine the individual withsignificant disabilities need for specific independent living services;

   (2) Referrals and counseling services with respect toattendant care;

   (3) Counseling and advocacy services with respect to legaland economic rights and benefits;

   (4) Peer counseling;

   (5) Independent living skills, counseling and training,including training in the maintenance of necessary equipment, counseling ontherapy needs and programs, and special independent living skill training forindividuals who are blind or deaf;

   (6) Housing and transportation referral and assistance;

   (7) Surveys, directories, and other activities to identifyappropriate housing and accessible transportation and other support services;

   (8) Community group living arrangements;

   (9) Education and training necessary for living in thecommunity and participating in community activities;

   (10) Individual and group social and recreational activities;

   (11) Other programs and services necessary to provideresources, training, counseling services, or other assistance of substantialbenefit in promoting the independence, productivity, and quality of life forindividuals with significant disabilities.

   (b) "Client directed services" means services that areplanned and delivered with the active involvement of the client (consumer).

   (c) "Consumer" means a person or groups of persons withsevere disabilities who are or would be capable of independently managing anddirecting their own lives given the appropriate training and resources.

   (d) "Consumer directed organization" means:

   (1) An organization with substantial involvement of consumerson its boards of directors and at the staff level;

   (2) An organization which subscribes rigorously to a policyof client directed services.

   (e) "Nonprofit organization" means an organizationincorporated in the state of Rhode Island and exempt from federal taxationunder the provisions of § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26U.S.C. § 501(c)(3).

   (f) "Individual with a significant disability" means anindividual with a severe physical or mental impairment whose ability tofunction independently in the family or community or whose ability to obtain,maintain, or advance in employment is substantially limited and for whom thedelivery of independent living services will improve the ability to function,continue functioning, or move towards functioning independently in the familyor community or to continue in employment, respectively.