§ 42-119-3 - Areas of responsibility.

SECTION 42-119-3

   § 42-119-3  Areas of responsibility. –The commission has the following responsibilities:

   (1) Advise and submit recommendations to the governor and thegeneral assembly on issues relating to women;

   (2) Gather and disseminate information to women and/or thegeneral public on issues relating to women;

   (3) Develop and/or support programs and services for womenconsistent with the purpose of the commission;

   (5) Collaborate with concerned organizations, groups, andstate departments on issues of common concern;

   (5) Educate and encourage women to exercise the right tovote; encourage candidacy for public office and promote appointment ofqualified women to boards, commissions, and government positions at all levels;

   (6) Evaluate, monitor and propose federal and statelegislation and advise legislators on issues relating to women; and

   (7) Advocate for women's equity in the public, private andnot-for-profit sectors.