§ 42-11.3-4 - Reimbursement of governmental body for commuting mileage.
SECTION 42-11.3-4
§ 42-11.3-4 Reimbursement of governmentalbody for commuting mileage. (a) The user of a vehicle owned by a governmental body shall reimburse, on amonthly basis, costs incurred as a result of the use of the vehicle incommuting. No vehicle may be used for commuting except upon written approval ofthe employee's appointing authority and the director of administration. Thatapproval will terminate on December 31 of each year but may be annuallyrenewed. Cost shall be determined by multiplying the number of miles by therate set forth in 26 U.S.C. § 162.
(b) The general officers, law enforcement officers, and thedirectors of the various state departments are exempt from this sectionprovided however, that the use of a vehicle by a general officer for politicalpurposes is subject to this section.
(c) [Deleted by P.L. 2000, ch. 100, § 1.]
(d) The director of each governmental body shall submit tothe director of administration, the house fiscal advisory staff and the senatefiscal advisory staff the name and address of each user of a vehicle owned by agovernmental body that is subject to recall at any time.
(e) Except for the following circumstances, the director of agovernmental body shall not require an employee to use a vehicle owned by agovernmental body for commuting purposes:
(i) Vehicles assigned to law enforcement officers;
(ii) Vehicles assigned to employees who are on emergencyresponse status; the need for these employees to respond to emergencies in anassigned vehicle must be clearly established and must be clearly beneficial tothe state;
(iii) Vehicles assigned to employees which serve as theemployee's primary office; the employees must work outside their work locationfor at least eighty percent (80%) of the workweek;
(iv) Vehicles assigned to employees in situations where it isclearly more beneficial for the state if the employee goes directly from his orher residence to a temporary or seasonal work site;
(v) Vehicles assigned to employees who are using the vehicleon a per trip basis and are required to use the vehicle either before or afterregular working hours; and
(vi) Specially equipped vehicles assigned to employees whoare required to work with the vehicle after their regular working hours.
(2) Notwithstanding subdivision (e)(1), no employee shall usea vehicle owned by a governmental body for commuting purposes except upon thewritten recommendation of the appointing authority and the written approval ofthe director of administration. Any approval will terminate on December 31 ofeach year, but may be annually renewed.
(3) Employees who have received approval to use an assignedvehicle for commuting purposes pursuant to this subsection are not required toreimburse the state for the use.
(f) Nothing in this section affects the obligations of thevehicle operator as set forth in 26 U.S.C. § 280F.