§ 42-11.3-1 - Definition.
SECTION 42-11.3-1
§ 42-11.3-1 Definition. As used in this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings unlessotherwise specified:
(1) "General officer" means the governor, the lieutenantgovernor, the attorney general, the secretary of state, and the generaltreasurer.
(2) "Governmental body" means any department, commission,council, board, bureau, committee, institution, legislative body, agency,government corporation, including, without limitation, the board of governorsfor higher education and board of regents for elementary and secondaryeducation or other establishment of the executive, legislative or judicialbranch of the state.
(ii) "Governmental body" also means the Rhode Islandindustrial recreational building authority, the Rhode Island economicdevelopment corporation, the Rhode Island industrial facilities corporation,the Rhode Island refunding bond authority, the Rhode Island housing andmortgage finance corporation, the Rhode Island solid waste managementcorporation, the Rhode Island public transit authority, the Rhode Islandstudent loan authority, the Howard development corporation, the water resourcesboard, the Rhode Island health and education building corporation, the RhodeIsland higher education assistance authority, the Rhode Island turnpike andbridge authority, the Blackstone Valley district commission, the NarragansettBay water quality management district commission, Rhode Islandtelecommunications authority, the convention center authority, channel 36foundation, their successors and assigns, and any other body corporate andpolitic which has been here before or which is hereinafter created orestablished within this state excepting cities and towns.
(3) "Own" means control and the intent to control andincludes any type of arrangement, including by way of illustration, and not bylimitation, a lease arrangement, whereby an employee of a governmental body issupplied principal or exclusive use of a motor vehicle by his or her employer.
(4) "Law enforcement officer" means an individual: (i) who isemployed on a full-time basis by a governmental body that is responsible forthe prevention or investigation of crime involving injury to persons orproperty (including the apprehension or detention of persons for such crimes);(ii) who is authorized by law to carry firearms, execute search warrants, andto make arrests (other than merely a citizen's arrest); and (iii) who regularlycarries firearms (except when it is not possible to do so because of therequirements of undercover work). The term law enforcement officer shallinclude an arson investigator if the investigator otherwise meets theserequirements.
(5) "Commuting" means driving a motor vehicle owned by agovernmental body to and from the work place and the employee's residence.
(6) "Employee" means an individual who works for agovernmental body not less than thirty-five (35) hours a week.