§ 42-109-9 - Legislative oversight commission.
SECTION 42-109-9
§ 42-109-9 Legislative oversightcommission. (a) There is created a legislative commission entitled "Legislative OversightCommission on Special Substance Abuse Programs", the purpose of which shall beto oversee the implementation and administration of all moneys and programsinvolving the Benjamin Rush Detox Program, the Driving While IntoxicatedProgram, and the TASC Program, and to report to the director of the departmentof mental health, retardation, and hospitals and to the general assembly withadvice and recommendations as to the adequacy, efficacy and efficiency of allstatutes, rules, regulations, guidelines, practices, and programs relating tothose substance abuse programs, and any other matters it deems appropriate.
(b) The commission shall consist of five (5) members: two (2)of whom shall be appointed by the president of the senate as follows: onemember who shall be a physician licensed to practice medicine in this state andwhose medical practice concentrates on substance abuse treatment andprevention; one member who shall be a registered nurse (R.N.) who is licensedin this state and concentrates in substance abuse treatment and prevention;three (3) of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house as follows:one member who shall be a certified chemical dependency professional(C.C.D.P.); one member who shall be clinical supervisor of a private or publicsubstance abuse treatment and prevention clinic; and one member who shall be anexecutive director of a private or public substance abuse treatment agency;provided, however, that no member of the general assembly shall be appointed tothe commission. The chairperson of the commission shall be appointed by thespeaker of the house of representatives. Members of the commission shall servewithout compensation. The commission may request and shall receive from anyinstrumentality of the state, including the department of mental health,retardation, and hospitals, department of children, youth, and families,department of human services and other departments as the commission sees fitand from any municipality or any instrumentality thereof, any information andassistance that it deems necessary for the proper execution of its powers andduties under this section. The commission shall meet at least quarterly andshall report at least annually to the general assembly on its findings andrecommendations with respect to any matters relating to those substance abusetreatment programs listed herein.
(c) The commission shall operate in conjunction with thepermanent legislative oversight commission on substance abuse preventionestablished pursuant to the provisions of § 16-21.2-9 and with thepermanent legislative oversight commission on substance abuse treatmentestablished pursuant to the provisions of § 40.1-1-12; provided, however,that primary oversight of the Benjamin Rush Detox Program, the Driving WhileIntoxicated Program, and the TASC Program shall be the function of thecommission established in this section.