§ 42-102-9 - Powers and duties of the Rhode Island human resource investment council Employment and training systems in the state.
SECTION 42-102-9
§ 42-102-9 Powers and duties of the RhodeIsland human resource investment council Employment and training systemsin the state. (a) The council shall establish statewide policies, goals, and guidelines forthe coordination of all employment and training programs and related services,and employment-related training programs within the state, including:
(1) State and local programs sponsored under the federal JobTraining Partnership Act, 29 U.S.C. § 49 et seq.; 29 U.S.C. § 1501 etseq. [repealed];
(2) The state department of labor and training programssponsored under the federal Wagner-Peyser Act, 29 U.S.C. § 49 et seq., andany other employment-related educational program administered by the statedepartment of labor and training;
(3) Employment and training programs sponsored under thefederal Family Support Act of 1988, 42 U.S.C. § 602 et seq., and codifiedthroughout 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395 1396 and any other employment andtraining and related services and employment-related educational programsadministered by the state's department of human services;
(4) Employment and training programs sponsored under thefederal Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 2301 etseq., the federal Adult Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1201 et seq.[repealed], and any other employment-related educational programsadministered by the board of governors for higher education, or the board ofregents for elementary and secondary education; and
(5) All other employment and training and related servicesand employment-related educational programs either presently existing orhereinafter established which are administered by any state agencies,departments, or councils. Programs included within subdivisions (1) (5)of this subsection shall be referred herein collectively as "the coordinatedprograms system". Provided, however, that the responsibilities and duties ofthe board of governors for higher education or the board of regents forelementary and secondary education, as set forth in the general laws, shall notbe abridged.
(b) With respect to plans for employment and trainingprograms sponsored under the federal Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act,20 U.S.C. § 2301 et seq., and any other employment-related educationalprograms administered by the boards of governors for higher education or theboard of regents for elementary and secondary education, the council andapplicable board shall establish a process for the development and preparationof all these plans; and the applicable board shall approve the plan subject toreview and comment by the council.
(c) With respect to plans for the JOBS program operated underthe authority of the Family Support Act of 1988, 42 U.S.C. § 602 et seq.,and codified throughout 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395 1396, and any otheremployment and training and related programs administered by the state'sdepartment of human services, the authority and responsibilities of thedepartment as the single state agency under Titles IV-A, 42 U.S.C. §§601 617, and IV-F, 42 U.S.C. §§ 681 687[repealed], of the federal Social Security Act shall not be abridged.
(d) The council shall review, comment on, or approve asappropriate all other plans for employment and training within the coordinatedprograms system. The council shall establish policies and performance goals forthe coordinated programs system. These policies and goals shall include, butnot be limited to:
(1) Establishing and communicating uniform policies;
(2) Gathering and distributing information from and to allagencies, departments, and councils within the coordinated programs system;
(3) Standardizing and coordinating program planning,budgeting, and funding processes;
(4) Recommending structural and procedural changes;
(5) Establishing performance goals and measurements formonitoring the effectiveness of members of the coordinated programs system; and
(6) Reconciling diverse agency, departmental, or councilgoals and developing priorities among those goals.
(e) All state and local agencies, departments, or council orsimilar organizations within the coordinated programs system shall cooperatewith the council in the council's exercise of its authority under subsections(b) (d).
(f) The council or a sub-committee or adjunct of the councilshall assume all duties and responsibilities of the state job trainingcoordination council required to be established pursuant to the federal JobTraining Partnership Act, 29 U.S.C. § 1532 [repealed].
(g) In addition to the specific authority provided forherein, the council shall have all other authority necessary for effectivecoordination and implementation of the coordinated programs system.
(h) The council shall biennially develop an employment andtraining plan for the state to be submitted to the governor and the generalassembly commencing January 1, 1994. The biennial plan shall outline goals andobjectives of the coordinated programs system, major priorities needed for thenext two (2) year period, and policies and requirements necessary to meet thosepriorities.