§ 42-102-7 - Authority.
SECTION 42-102-7
§ 42-102-7 Authority. (a) The council shall have all authority necessary to fulfill itsresponsibilities. The council shall adopt a mission statement, goals andobjectives, policies, and a biennial plan to accomplish the purposes of thischapter. The council shall have primary responsibility to approve and certifyall employment and training programs. To the extent that there is a conflictbetween federal law and this section, federal law shall prevail.
(b) The council shall develop policy and procedures wherebythose entities not meeting the goals and objectives of the council may besanctioned. In addition, the council shall also:
(1) Establish and publish standards for considering projectsand awarding grants;
(2) Provide ongoing evaluation of each project funded by thecouncil;
(3) Provide for fiscal and accounting controls to monitor andaudit grants and awards; and
(4) Adopt by-laws consistent with this chapter, which by-lawsshall include provisions for the creation of an audit committee and agovernance committee.