§ 42-102-4 - Terms of office and voting.
SECTION 42-102-4
§ 42-102-4 Terms of office and voting. (a) Of the thirteen (13) members appointed by the governor, seven (7) shall beappointed for a term of two (2) years, and six (6) shall be appointed for three(3) years. After the initial appointments of those individuals serving two (2)year terms, they or their successors shall be appointed to three (3) yearterms. A vacancy in the office of a member, other than by expiration of themember's term, shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment,but only for the remainder of the prevailing term. Members whose terms expiremay be reappointed.
(b) Only members shall have the right to vote.
(c) A majority of duly appointed members shall constitute aquorum; provided, however, that at least six (6) members shall be necessary fora quorum.