§ 42-102-2 - Composition of council.
SECTION 42-102-2
§ 42-102-2 Composition of council. (a) Effective until January 1, 2005, the council shall be composed oftwenty-seven (27) members of whom no less than one-third (1/3) shall be womenas follows:
(1) One shall be appointed by the governor from thenongovernmental sector to serve as chairperson of the council;
(2) Eight (8) shall be appointed by the governor from theemployer community, two (2) of whom shall be from the nonprofit sector, and atleast two (2) of whom must be women from the following employer groups:
(i) Two (2) from companies with fewer than twenty-five (25)employees;
(ii) Two (2) from companies with twenty-five (25) to twohundred fifty (250) employees;
(iii) Two (2) from companies with more than two hundred fifty(250) employees; and
(iv) Two (2) from minority-owned companies;
(3) Three (3) members from organized labor shall be appointedby the governor;
(4) One member from a community-based organizationrepresenting minorities shall be appointed by the governor;
(5) One individual who serves as the chairperson of thegovernor's commission on disabilities;
(6) Six (6) individuals shall serve on the council by virtueof their respective positions as chairpersons of the following organizations:
(i) Three (3) individuals, who serve as chairpersons of theirrespective private industry councils;
(ii) One individual who serves as chairperson of the RhodeIsland state apprenticeship council; and
(iii) One individual who serves as chairperson of thepathways to independence advisory council;
(7) The president of the senate and the speaker of the houseshall appoint one individual each from their respective chambers to becomemembers of the council;
(8) The directors or commissioners of the following four (4)departments and corporation shall serve on the council: employment andtraining, Rhode Island economic development corporation, human services,elementary and secondary education, and higher education;
(9) The executive director of the Rhode Island economicpolicy council shall serve on the council; and
(10) Any individual serving on the council as of June 1, 2004shall remain on the council until the new members are appointed and confirmedby the senate.
(b) Effective January 1, 2005, the council shall be composedof fifteen (15) members, thirteen (13) members appointed by the governor, withthe advice and consent of the senate, at least four (4) of whom shall be women,at least three (3) of whom shall be from minority communities, and at least oneof whom shall be a person with disabilities, as follows:
(1) One shall be appointed by the governor to serve aschairperson of the council;
(2) Six (6) shall be appointed by the governor from theemployer community, in a manner that is representative of employers ofdifferent sizes and sectors, including the nonprofit sector; provided, however,that in the event that there is established a state workforce investment boardthat is separate and distinct from the council, then one of the six (6)representatives of the employer community shall be the chairperson of the statework force investment board, and if all employer community appointments havebeen duly made and are filled, then the appointed chairperson of the stateworkforce investment board shall be made with the next available appointment ofa representative of the employer community;
(3) Four (4) members from organized labor shall be appointedby the governor;
(4) Two (2) members from community-based organizations shallbe appointed by the governor;
(5) The president of the senate and the speaker of the houseshall appoint one individual each from their respective chambers to be membersof the council.
(c) Transitional Provisions. The council as providedfor in subsection (b) shall assume the powers, duties and responsibilities setforth in this chapter, and the council as provided for in subsection (a) shallbe terminated, and shall cease to exist and all the powers, duties, andresponsibilities of the council as provided for in subsection (a) shall betransferred to the council as provided in subsection (b); the governor mayappoint persons serving on the council as provided for in subsection (a) to thecouncil as provided for in subsection (b), as provided for in §42-102-4(a), and may appoint an interim executive director who shall serveuntil such time as an executive director is appointed in accordance with §42-102-3(b). All rules, regulations, decisions, actions, and approvals taken bythe council as provided in subsection (a) shall remain in full force and effectuntil superseded, amended, revised, or rescinded by the council as provided forin subsection (b). The present council will continue its duties andresponsibilities until the new members of the council are appointed and anumber sufficient to satisfy a quorum are confirmed by the senate.