§ 41-9.1-40 - Smoking.
SECTION 41-9.1-40
§ 41-9.1-40 Smoking. (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws or regulationsadopted thereunder to the contrary, including, but not limited to, theprovisions of chapter 20.10 of title 23, the provisions of this section shallgovern and control with respect to any and all smoking prohibitions as suchrelate to a casino licensed under this chapter.
(b) Any casino licensed under this chapter shall providedesignated smoking and nonsmoking gaming areas in its facility.
(c) The designated nonsmoking gaming area shall be physicallyseparated from any smoking area and shall be required to have separate anddistinct ventilation systems so as to prohibit the migration of smoke into thenonsmoking area.
(d) Except with respect to bars located in a designatedsmoking area within the gaming area, any bar or restaurant located in a casinoshall be nonsmoking and be physically separate from any smoking area and shallhave a separate ventilation system so as to prohibit the migration of smokeinto the restaurant.
(e) Any casino licensee shall promulgate rules andregulations to allow its employees the right to work in a smoke freeenvironment. These rules shall include, but not be limited to, provisions onthe right to opt out of working in a smoking area and a provision that noadverse impact or action could take place against the employee if they requestto opt out of a smoking area. The rules promulgated by the casino licenseeshall be filed with the state lottery division with copies to the generalassembly and the department of health prior to the opening of the casino forbusiness.
(f) A casino licensee shall file an annual report with thestate lottery division with copies to the general assembly and department ofhealth detailing smoke mitigation efforts undertaken by the licensee during theprevious year and plans for the upcoming year. The licensee shall be requiredto monitor air quality with current appropriate technology. A professional HVACengineer (or other appropriate professional) shall certify the monitoringprocess and results. The results of the monitoring process shall be included inthe annual report.
(g) Any enactment relating to the provisions of this sectionon a casino licensed under this chapter or the casino licensee shall be bystatute as enacted by the general assembly; provided, however, that the generalassembly may by statute delegate such authority to the cities and towns.