§ 41-9.1-25 - Uniform compulsive and problem gambling program.
SECTION 41-9.1-25
§ 41-9.1-25 Uniform compulsive and problemgambling program. (a) The gaming industry through the American Gaming Association in theResponsible Gaming Resource Guide has stated that the industry recognizes thatgaming entertainment companies must stand up and take responsible actions toaddress social problems and costs that are created when some individuals haveproblems handling the product or services they provide. The industry has alsostated that they know that the vast majority of the men and women who are theircustomers can enjoy their games responsibly, but that they also know thecustomers expect them to act responsibly toward those who cannot. It isimperative for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the state ofRhode Island that all casino licensees develop and implement comprehensivecompulsive and problem gambling programs to be approved by the state lotterydivision.
(b) Any casino licensee shall adopt a comprehensive programthat provides policies and procedures that, at a minimum, cover the followingareas of concern and are designed to:
(1) Provide procedures designed to prevent employees fromwillfully permitting a person identified on a self-exclusion list from engagingin gaming activities at the licensed establishment or facility.
(2) Provide procedures to offer employee assistance programsor equivalent coverage. The procedures shall be designed to provideconfidential assessment and treatment referral for gaming employees and, ifcovered, their dependents who may have a gambling problem.
(3) Provide procedures for the development of programs toaddress issues of underage gambling and unattended minors at gaming facilities.
(4) Provide procedures for the training of all employees thatinteract with gaming patrons in gaming areas.
(5) Provide procedures designed to prevent serving alcohol toindividuals who appear to be intoxicated consistent with the provisions ofRhode Island law.
(6) Provide procedures for removing self-excluded person fromthe licensed establishment or facility, including, if necessary, proceduresthat include obtaining the assistance of local law enforcement.
(7) Provide procedures preventing any person identified onthe self-exclusion list from receiving any advertisement promotion, or othertargeted mailing after ninety (90) days of receiving notice from the statelottery division that the person has been placed on the self-exclusion list.
(8) Provide procedures for the distribution or posting withinthe gaming establishment of information that promotes public awareness aboutproblem gambling and provides information on available services and resourcesto those who have a gambling problem.
(9) Provide procedures for the distribution of responsiblegaming materials to employees.
(10) Provide procedures for the posting of local curfews orlaws and prohibitions, if any, regarding underage gambling and unattendedminors.
(11) Provide procedures to prevent any person placed on theself-exclusion list from having access to credit or from receivingcomplimentary services, check-cashing services, and other club benefits.
(c) The state lottery division shall provide by rule for theestablishment of a list of self-excluded persons from gaming activities at allgaming establishments. Any person may request placement on the list ofself-excluded persons by acknowledging in a manner to be established by thestate lottery division that the person wishes to be excluded and by agreeingthat, during any period of voluntary exclusion, the person may not collect anywinnings or recover any losses resulting from any gaming activity at suchgaming establishments.
(2) The rules of the state lottery division shall establishprocedures for placements on, and removals from, the list of self-excludedpersons, provided that notwithstanding any law to the contrary, prior to theremoval from such list, the state lottery division or a hearing officer shallconduct a hearing not open to the general public at which it shall beestablished by the person seeking removal that there is no longer a basis to bemaintained on the self-exclusion list.
(3) The rules shall establish procedures for the transmittalto the gaming establishment of identifying information concerning self-excludedpersons, and shall require all the gaming establishment to establish proceduresdesigned, at a minimum, to remove self-excluded persons from targeted mailingsor other forms of advertising or promotions and deny self-excluded personsaccess to credit, complimentaries, check-cashing privileges and other clubbenefits.
(4) The rules shall provide that the state lottery division'slist of self-excluded persons shall not be open to public inspection. The statelottery division, any licensee, permittee and any employee or agent thereofshall not be liable to any self-excluded person or to any other party in anyjudicial proceeding for any monetary damages or to other remedy which may ariseas a result of disclosure or publication in any manner other than a willfullyunlawful disclosure to a third party that is not an employee, affiliatedcompany, or employee or agent of the state lottery division of the identity ofany self-excluded person.
(d) A person who is prohibited from any gaming establishmentby any provision of this chapter or pursuant to any self-exclusion rulesadopted by the state lottery division shall not collect in any manner orproceeding any winnings or recover any losses arising as a result of anyprohibited gaming activity.
(e) In any proceeding brought against any licensee, permitteeany employee thereof for a willful violation of the self-exclusion rules of thestate lottery division, the state lottery division may order the forfeiture ofany money or thing of value obtained by the licensee from any self-excludedperson.
(f) Nothing herein shall prevent any licensee or permitteefrom adopting and maintaining a self-exclusion policy that may impose differentor greater standards so long as such policy is in addition to the state lotterydivision's self-exclusion rules, and any actions taken pursuant to such apolicy of a licensee or permittee shall be subject to the limitations ofliability set forth in this section.
(g) The provisions of this section shall not require thestate lottery division, licensees, permittees and the employees thereof toidentify problem or compulsive gamblers, which is an activity that requiresmedical and clinical expertise.
(h) The state lottery division may impose sanctions on alicensee or permittee, under this chapter, if the licensee, permittee, orcasino gaming operator willfully fails to exclude from the licensed gamingestablishment a person placed on the self-exclusion list.
(2) The state lottery division may seek the suspension of alicensor permit, if the licensee or permittee engages in a pattern of willfulfailure to exclude from the licensed gaming establishment persons placed on theself-exclusion list.
(i) A licensee conducting gaming pursuant to the provisionsof this chapter can demonstrate to the state lottery division compliance withthe education and training provisions of this section by providing proof ofattendance by all employees when they are hired and annually thereafter at oneof the following education programs:
(1) Training programs conducted by the Rhode Islanddepartment of mental health, retardation, and hospitals.
(2) Any other course on problem and compulsive gamingtraining approved by the state lottery division, including any courses offeredby a casino licensee.