§ 41-9.1-15 - Gaming and non-gaming supplier permits and gaming employee permits required Terms.
SECTION 41-9.1-15
§ 41-9.1-15 Gaming and non-gaming supplierpermits and gaming employee permits required Terms. (a) The securing of a permit under the provisions of this chapter shall be aprerequisite for performing any activity which requires a permit pursuant tothis chapter.
(b) The permits provided for in this chapter shall not betransferable.
(c) Any permit applied for, granted, or issued under theprovisions of this chapter is an absolute revocable privilege, the awarding,denial or withdrawal of which is solely within the discretion of the statelottery division where applicable except as provided in this chapter. Anypermit used or renewed under the provisions of this chapter is not a propertyright or a protected interest under the constitutions of either the UnitedStates or the state of Rhode Island.
(d) A licensee shall not employ any person in a capacity forwhich he is required to be issued a permit, unless he possesses a valid permit.
(e) Every person desiring to obtain a gaming supplier permit,a key gaming employee permit or a non-gaming supplier permit shall makeapplication to the state lottery division where applicable on a form and in amanner prescribed by the state lottery division. The application forms shall beprovided by the state lottery division and shall contain such informationpursuant to the provisions of this chapter and the state lottery division. Noapplication shall be accepted unless the state lottery division determines thatall relevant requirements of this chapter have been met. Notwithstandinganything to the contrary contained in this chapter, the state lottery divisionin its sole discretion may issue such permits on a temporary basis prior to allrelevant requirements of this chapter having been met, to such applicants underthe circumstances and on terms that it deems appropriate.
(f) The term of a permit shall be for five (5) years;however, the state lottery division may issue temporary permits.
(g) The state lottery division shall establish by rule aprocedure for issuing and renewing permits that are issued so that a similarnumber of permits will come up for renewal in each subsequent year. The rulemay provide for a one-time renewal period of less than a five (5)-yearduration. Appropriate fees shall also be established.