§ 40-9-6 - Home instruction of people who are blind or visually impaired.
SECTION 40-9-6
§ 40-9-6 Home instruction of people whoare blind or visually impaired. The director of human services is hereby authorized and empowered to providefor the instruction at their homes of the adult residents who are blind orvisually impaired residents of this state upon such conditions and in suchmanner as may to him or her seem proper, and the general assembly shallannually appropriate such sum as it may deem necessary for the purposes of thissection; and the state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw hisor her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of such sum or so muchthereof as may from time to time be necessary, upon receipt by him or her ofproper vouchers approved by the director of the department and by theadministration of services for people who are blind or visually impaired.Receipts from the toy lending library shall be deposited as general revenue andthe activity shall be funded through general revenue appropriations.