§ 40-9-2 - General duties of administrator.
SECTION 40-9-2
§ 40-9-2 General duties of administrator. (a) The administrator of services for people who are blind or visually impairedshall devote all of his or her time to the duties of his or her office and keepat his or her office in the state house a register of individuals who are blindor visually impaired in the state, describing their condition, cause ofblindness, and capacity for education and industrial training.
(b) The administrator shall, under the direction of thedirector, generally be charged with:
(1) Maintaining a placement service with the object ofdetermining the fitness of applicants who are blind or visually impaired forwork, vocational guidance, and securing occupation when applicants are trained;
(2) Assisting, when called up [upon] by the schoolto careers committee of the human resource investment council, that board inits work for students who are blind or visually impaired and in the applicationof federal aid;
(3) Assisting the department of elementary and secondaryeducation, when called upon by it, in performing its duties under chapter 25 oftitle 16;
(4) Having general charge of the home teaching of persons whoare blind or visually impaired in the state;
(5) Having charge of such workshops for the training ofpersons who are blind or visually impaired and salesrooms for the sale of theproducts of the blind and visually impaired as the director may from time totime establish; and
(6) Performing such other duties with respect to his or heroffice as the director may prescribe.