§ 40-9-15 - Reports of blindness of persons.
SECTION 40-9-15
§ 40-9-15 Reports of blindness of persons. (a) Whenever, upon examination at a clinic, hospital, or other institution, orelsewhere, by a physician, optometrist or other person, the visual acuity ofany person is found to be twenty/two hundred (20/200) or less in the better eyewith the best correction, or the visual acuity is better than twenty/twohundred (20/200) if the widest diameter of the field of vision subtends anangle no greater than twenty (20) degrees, the superintendent or other personin charge of the clinic, hospital, or other institution, or the physician,optometrist or other person who conducted or was in charge of the examinationif it took place elsewhere than in the clinic, hospital, or other institution,shall within thirty (30) days report to the director of the department of humanservices the result of the examination, and that the blindness of the personexamined has been established.
(b) Any state, city, and town agencies administering benefitsto the blind or visually impaired by way of tax exemptions, welfare payments,or otherwise, shall report the names of the persons to the administrator of thedivision of motor vehicles for the purpose of evaluation by the medicaladvisory board within the division of motor vehicles as to the fitness of thepersons to safely operate motor vehicles upon the highways of this state.