§ 40-8.4-6 - Administration.
SECTION 40-8.4-6
§ 40-8.4-6 Administration. The department of human services shall assure that eligibility and enrollmentare determined and provided in a timely, efficient and user-friendly manner,including mail-in applications. The department may enter into any necessarycooperative agreements with the department of health and/or other stateagencies to achieve the purposes of this section. Children and familiesapplying for cash assistance through the family independence program, §40-5.1-1 et seq., shall not be required to complete a separate application formedical assistance under this chapter.
By December 1, 2006, the department shall provide to thechair of the senate health and human services committee, the chair of the househealth, education and welfare committee and to the chairs of the house andsenate finance committees a report describing a process for renewingeligibility for the RIte care program by using an "ex-parte" process wherebythe department uses information provided to the department from the recipients'cash assistance, food stamp, and/or child care assistance records and fromother reliable sources that are readily available to the department. The reportshall include at a minimum: how the ex-parte renewal process will work; thedate by which the process could be implemented; the number and types of casesto which the ex-parte renewal process is anticipated to be applied; the costsand anticipated savings of implementing the process; and how the departmentwill assure the accuracy of the eligibility determination when the ex-parteprocess is used. The department shall consult with, and as appropriate include,members of the RIte care consumer advisory council in preparing this report.