§ 40-8.3-6 - Outpatient adjustment payments for fiscal year 2009.
SECTION 40-8.3-6
§ 40-8.3-6 Outpatient adjustment paymentsfor fiscal year 2009. Effective July 1, 2008, the department of human services is hereby authorizedand directed to amend its regulations and the Rhode Island State Plan forMedical Assistance pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act forreimbursement to hospitals for outpatient service as follows:
(a) Each hospital in the state of Rhode Island, as defined insubdivision 23-17-38.1(b)(1), shall receive an adjustment payment during statefiscal year 2009 of an amount determined as follows:
(1) Determine the percent of the state's total Medicaidoutpatient and emergency department services (exclusive of physician services)provided by each hospital during the hospital's fiscal year ending during 2007;
(2) Determine the sum of all Medicaid payments to hospitalsmade for outpatient and emergency department services (exclusive of physicianservices) provided during each hospital's fiscal year ending during 2007;
(3) Multiply the sum of all Medicaid payments as determinedin subdivision (2) by fifty-six and five hundredths percent (56.05%) and thenmultiply that result by each hospital's percentage of the state's totalMedicaid outpatient and emergency department services as determined insubdivision (1) to obtain the total outpatient adjustment for each hospital tobe paid in SFY 2009;
(4) Pay each hospital on its total outpatient adjustment asdetermined in subdivision (3) above.
(b) The amounts determined in subsection (a) are in additionto Medicaid outpatient payments and emergency services payments (exclusive ofphysician services) paid to hospitals in accordance with current stateregulation and the Rhode Island Plan for Medicaid assistance pursuant to TitleXIX of the Social Security Act and are not subject to recoupment or settlement.
(c) The payments are expressly conditioned upon approval bythe secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, orhis or her authorized representative, of any Medicaid state plan amendmentnecessary to secure for the state the benefit of federal financialparticipation in federal fiscal year 2009 for such payments, such amendment tobe filed not later than July 9, 2008.