§ 40-6-3 - General public assistance.
SECTION 40-6-3
§ 40-6-3 General public assistance. It is the purpose of this section to provide general public assistance to anyperson who is a resident of the state and who is eligible, in accordance withthe rules and regulations of the department, and is in need; provided, further,that benefits under this program shall be provided only to residents who arecitizens of the United States or aliens lawfully admitted for permanentresidence or otherwise permanently residing in the United States under color oflaw, and benefits shall not be provided to illegal or undocumented aliens. Inthat there are limited resources available to meet the needs of the residentsof this state and recognizing that needs of certain children and families havebeen provided by this state pursuant to chapter 5.1 of this title, it is theintent of this chapter that general public assistance shall not be provided toany individual who is eligible or who would, but for income and resources, beeligible for cash assistance pursuant to chapter 5.1 of this title and therules and regulations of the department. General public assistance shall not beavailable to any individual who has been found eligible for supplementalsecurity income (SSI) as provided in § 40-6-27, and the general publicmedical assistance, as provided for in this chapter, shall not be available toany individual who has been found eligible for medical assistance as providedpursuant to title XIX of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1396 etseq., as both of these programs are financed in part by the limited resourcesof this state.