§ 40-5.2-11 - Cash assistance.
SECTION 40-5.2-11
§ 40-5.2-11 Cash assistance. (a) A family or assistance unit found by the department to meet the eligibilitycriteria set forth in this chapter shall be eligible to receive cash assistanceas of the date a signed written application, signed under a penalty of perjury,is received by the department.
(b) The family members or assistance unit shall be eligiblefor cash assistance for so long as they continue to meet the eligibilitycriteria outlined in accordance with this chapter. Parents and adult non-parentcaretaker relatives receiving cash assistance shall be eligible so long as theymeet the terms and conditions of the work requirements of § 40-5.2-12. Anadult caretaker relative shall be eligible for assistance as a member of theassistance unit so long as he/she meets all the eligibility requirements ofthis chapter.
(c) The monthly amount of cash assistance shall be equal tothe payment standard for the family minus the countable income of the family inthat month. The department is authorized to reduce the amount of assistance inthe month of application to reflect the number of the days between the firstday of the month and the effective date of the application.
(d) A decision of the application for assistance shall bemade or rejected by the department no later than thirty (30) days following thedate submitted and shall be effective as of the date of application.
(e) The payment standard is equal to the sum of thefollowing: three hundred twenty-seven dollars ($327) (two hundred seventy-sevendollars ($277) for a family residing in subsidized housing) for the firstperson, one hundred twenty-two dollars ($122) for the second person, onehundred five dollars ($105) for the third person and eighty dollars ($80) foreach additional person.