§ 40-2-14 - Examination of inmates for contagious disease – Investigation and report of sources.

SECTION 40-2-14

   § 40-2-14  Examination of inmates forcontagious disease – Investigation and report of sources. – The department is hereby authorized and directed, by the attending physician atany of the institutions or by such other physician as the director of thedepartment may from time to time designate, to use every available means toascertain the existence of any dangerous, infectious, or contagious disease,including syphilis in the infectious stages and gonococcus infection, among theinmates, prisoners, patients, and pupils of the institutions, and to makeexamination of any of them suspected of having syphilis in the infectiousstages or gonococcus infection, and immediately to investigate the source ofthe infection, and, if ascertained, to report the source of the infection tothe department of health; and any person committed to or received into any ofthe institutions by, through, or under any order of court or any process of lawshall be deemed to be an inmate, prisoner, patient, or pupil of theinstitution, as the case may be, within the provisions of §§ 40-2-12– 40-2-17.