§ 40-1-9 - Adaptive telephone equipment loan program fund.
SECTION 40-1-9
§ 40-1-9 Adaptive telephone equipment loanprogram fund. (a) There is hereby created an adaptive telephone equipment loan program fundwhich shall be administered by the general treasurer and the principal andinterest of which shall be used solely for the purpose of providing funds forthe purchase, maintenance, replacement, and distribution of telephonetelecommunications devices and special needs equipment, and the administrativeexpenses of the general treasurer incurred in conjunction therewith, for thedeaf, the severely hearing impaired, and severely speech impaired who have beenduly certified as such in accordance with § 39-2-5(7) [Subdivision(7) was deleted].
(b) The regulated telephone utilities shall pay over to thegeneral treasurer any and all sums received as a monthly surcharge inaccordance with § 39-2-5(7) [Subdivision (7) was deleted]. Thegeneral treasurer shall invest and reinvest the sums so received in accordancewith the laws of Rhode Island.
(c) Upon receipt of duly authenticated vouchers from thedirector of the department of human services, the general treasurer may drawupon the principal or income of the fund to effectuate the provisions of §39-2-5(7) [Subdivision (7) was deleted].