§ 40.1-8-3 - Appointment of officers and employees – Rules – Meetings.

SECTION 40.1-8-3

   § 40.1-8-3  Appointment of officers andemployees – Rules – Meetings. – (a) The governor shall designate one member of the committee to serve as itschairperson during the governor's term of office or until he or she appointsanother member of the committee to serve in that capacity. The committee shallelect annually, from among its members, a vice chairperson, who shall serve assuch until a successor is elected and who is authorized to act as chairpersonpro tempore of the committee during the absence of the chairperson or shouldthere be a vacancy for any cause in the office of the chairperson. Thecommittee shall appoint an executive secretary to serve as executive officerand secretary of the committee. The executive secretary may be the employee ofanother agency of state government, appointed to serve as executive secretaryof the committee, with the consent of the executive office of the secretary'sown agency.

   (b) The committee may appoint such other personnel as may benecessary for the efficient performance of the duties prescribed by thischapter.

   (c) The committee shall make rules for the conduct of itsaffairs, and shall meet at least bimonthly, and at other times upon the call ofthe chair or the written request of any two (2) members.