§ 40.1-8.5-3 - Matchable funds.

SECTION 40.1-8.5-3

   § 40.1-8.5-3  Matchable funds. – (a) Matchable funds are those dollars received, whether through a grant by acenter for the general provision of mental health services, excluding funds forcapital expenditures, and received from one or more of the following:

   (1) Individual or business charitable gifts;

   (2) Community fund raising net dollars;

   (3) Unrestricted donations;

   (4) A participating municipality.

   (b) The director may authorize a center to include asmatchable funds those federal funds the center received directly from thefederal government for the provision of mental health services when:

   (1) The director determines that without the inclusion ofsuch federal funds provided mental health services to the uninsured or to highrisk populations in the center's service area will be seriously deficient ordisrupted; and

   (2) Such federal funds are not subject to statutory orregulatory restrictions or requirements that would prevent their use asmatchable funds.