§ 40.1-5-9 - Right to treatment – Treatment plan.

SECTION 40.1-5-9

   § 40.1-5-9  Right to treatment –Treatment plan. – (a) Any person who is a patient in a facility pursuant to this chapter shallhave a right to receive the care and treatment that is necessary for andappropriate to the condition for which he or she was admitted or certified andfrom which he or she can reasonably be expected to benefit. Each patient shallhave an individualized treatment plan. This plan shall be developed byappropriate mental health professionals, including a psychiatrist, andimplemented as soon as possible – in any event no later than five (5) daysafter a patient's voluntary admission or involuntary court certification. Eachindividual treatment plan shall be made in accordance with the professionalregulations of each facility, and by way of illustration and, not limited tothe following, shall contain:

   (1) A statement of the nature of the specific problems andspecific needs of the patient;

   (2) A statement of the least restrictive treatment conditionsnecessary to achieve the purposes of certification or admission;

   (3) A description of intermediate and long-range treatmentgoals; and

   (4) A statement and rationale for the plan of treatment forachieving these intermediate and long-range goals.

   (b) The individualized treatment plan shall become part ofthe patient's record in accordance with § 40.1-5-5(g), and the subject ofperiodic review in accordance with § 40.1-5-10. In implementing atreatment plan on behalf of any patient the official in charge of any facilityor his or her designee(s) may, when it is warranted authorize the release ofthe patient for such periods of time and under such terms and conditions thatthey deem appropriate.