§ 40.1-5-14 - Appointment and term of office of mental health advocate.
SECTION 40.1-5-14
§ 40.1-5-14 Appointment and term of officeof mental health advocate. The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint a memberof the bar of this state who has been practicing law for at least five (5)years to fill the office of the mental health advocate. The appointment shallbe made from a list of at least three (3) persons prepared and submitted by acommittee consisting of one attorney appointed by the Rhode Island DisabilityLaw Center; one person appointed by the Rhode Island Association for MentalHealth; one person appointed by the Alliance for the Mentally Ill of RhodeIsland; three (3) persons appointed by the Coalition of Consumer SelfAdvocates; one psychiatrist, appointed by the Rhode Island district branch ofthe American Psychiatric Association; one psychologist appointed by the RhodeIsland Psychological Association; one social worker appointed by the RhodeIsland chapter of the National Association of Social Workers; and two (2)members of the general public appointed by the governor. The person appointedmental health advocate shall hold office for a term of five (5) years and shallcontinue to hold office until his or her successor is appointed and qualified.