§ 40.1-3-8 - Change of names of hospital for mental diseases and state infirmary.

SECTION 40.1-3-8

   § 40.1-3-8  Change of names of hospital formental diseases and state infirmary. – The name of the state institution at Cranston formerly known as the stateasylum for the insane or the state hospital for the insane or the statehospital for mental diseases, and the name of the state institution at Cranstonformerly known as the state almshouse or the state infirmary, or the generalhospital, shall hereafter be known as the "Eleanor Slater Hospital". In anygeneral law, other public law, or resolution of the general assembly, and inany document, record, instrument, or proceeding authorized by any such law orresolution, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires, the words"state asylum for the insane" and the words "state hospital for the insane" or"state hospital for mental disease" shall be construed to mean the "EleanorSlater Hospital".