§ 40.1-23-7 - Informing director as to parental successor's whereabouts – Decisions concerning person where parental successor cannot be reached.

SECTION 40.1-23-7

   § 40.1-23-7  Informing director as toparental successor's whereabouts – Decisions concerning person whereparental successor cannot be reached. – (a) During the time that a person is acting as a parental successor, he or sheshall keep the director of the department of mental health, retardation, andhospitals or his or her representative informed of his or her whereabouts sothat he or she can be contacted in case of emergency.

   (b) Any bank or church or organization appointed to act as aparental successor shall keep the director of the department of mental health,retardation, and hospitals or his or her representative informed of the nameand address of the individual who should be contacted in case of emergency.

   (c) During the period a parental successor is acting, if,after reasonable effort on the part of the director of the facility where theperson is living, or under care, the parental successor cannot be reached, thedirector of the facility shall be free or the director of the department ofmental health, retardation, and hospitals or his or her representative shall befree to make decisions in all matters for the best interest of the person forwhom the parental successor was named.