§ 40.1-2-25 - Institutional farms.

SECTION 40.1-2-25

   § 40.1-2-25  Institutional farms. –The director may set apart for cultivation and other farming purposes any ofthe land under his or her control, whether or not the land is within the limitsof any institution defined as provided in this chapter, and may place that landunder the care and control of the officer in charge of the institution withinthe limits of which the land is situated or to which the land is adjacent, orthe department may employ some experienced person to take charge of thecultivation of the whole or part of the land devoted to farming purposes and ofthe farm stock raised thereon, provided that careful account shall be kept ofthe product of such farming and each institution shall be credited, as near asmay be, with the value of the farm product resulting from the labor of itsinmates, and shall be charged with the value of all farm product used for themaintenance of theinstitution. All such farm products shall be disposed of asdirected by the director of the department of mental health, retardation, andhospitals. The director may employ such assistance and hire such labor as he orshe may deem necessary to enable him or her to carry out the provisions of thissection and may fix the compensation thereof within the sum appropriated to beexpended for that purpose.