§ 4-8-14 - Grounds for denial or revocation of license.

SECTION 4-8-14

   § 4-8-14  Grounds for denial or revocationof license. – The director of environmental management may decline to grant a license or mayrevoke a license already granted when he or she is satisfied of the existenceof the following cases or either of them:

   (1) Where a money judgment has been secured by any milkproducer and has been entered against the applicant or licensee and remainsunsatisfied of record.

   (2) Where there has been a failure to make prompt settlementsto persons from whom the applicant buys milk, with intent to defraud.

   (3) Where there have been combinations to fix prices.

   (4) Where there has been a continual course of dealing ofsuch nature as to satisfy the director of the inability of the applicant orlicensee to properly conduct the business or of an intent to deceive or defraudcustomers.

   (5) Where there has been a continued and persistent failureto keep records, required by the director, in accordance with this chapter.