§ 4-24-10 - Penalty for violation.
SECTION 4-24-10
§ 4-24-10 Penalty for violation. Any person who violates the permit provisions of this chapter shall have nomore than thirty (30) days to have their cat spayed or neutered or provideproof from a licensed veterinarian indicating that arrangements have been madeto spay or neuter their cat(s). The animal control officer shall inform personssubject to this law to the availability of reduced cost or free spay/neuterprograms available for low income persons and any programs sponsored by localhumane organizations offering low cost spaying or neutering. If an animal isnot spayed or neutered within thirty (30) days of the notice, he or she shallbe subject to a seventy-five dollar ($75.00) fine for each thirty (30) days theanimal is not spayed or neutered. Funds generated pursuant to this sectionshall be deposited in the spay/neuter account of the city or town where theviolation occurred to be used to fund low-cost spay/neuter programs inaccordance with § 4-24-13.