§ 4-22-1 - Findings and purpose.
SECTION 4-22-1
§ 4-22-1 Findings and purpose. The state finds that a cat identification program, which would require an ownerof a cat to maintain an identification for the cat, would serve the followingpublic purposes:
(1) Cat identification would provide cats protection underthe law, equal to that afforded dogs, by establishing ownership which, in turn,would encourage cat owners to take full responsibility for their pets' welfare.
(2) Cat identification would protect cats, as dogs are nowprotected, by establishing minimum holding periods for cats released to and/orimpounded by municipal animal control facilities and private animal shelters.
(3) A program to require cat identification should facilitatethe return of lost, owned cats.
(4) Cat identification would provide a method to helpdistinguish between owned and unowned cat populations thus assisting animalcontrol officers and animal shelters in carrying out their mission.
(5) Cat identification would advance the reduction of theuntold suffering of cats at-large in our state by helping to insure the quickreturn of injured and sick animals to their owners.
(6) Passage of this bill would reduce the number of unownedcats and increase education to owners as to the need for sterilization of cats,thereby reducing unwanted litters, eliminating cat over-population problems,and reducing the costs to cities and towns for euthanizing at-large or unownedcats.
(7) Cat identification would help support public health andsafety in the control of rabies.
The purpose of this chapter, therefore, is to establish a catidentification program, which would require that an owner of a cat maintain anidentification for the cat. These measures will also reduce the spread ofrabies.