§ 4-2-10 - Inspection, sampling, and analysis.
SECTION 4-2-10
§ 4-2-10 Inspection, sampling, andanalysis. (a) For the purpose of enforcement of this chapter, and in order to determinewhether its provisions have been complied with, including whether or not anyoperations may be subject to those provisions, officers or employees designatedby the director, upon presenting appropriate credentials, and a written noticeto the owner, operator, or agent in charge, are authorized:
(1) To enter, during normal business hours, any factory,warehouse, or establishment within the state in which commercial feeds aremanufactured, processed, packed, or held for distribution, or to enter anyvehicle being used to transport or hold those feeds; and
(2) To inspect at reasonable times and within reasonablelimits and in a reasonable manner the factory, warehouse, establishment, orvehicle and all pertinent equipment, finished and unfinished materials,containers, and labeling. The inspection may include the verification of onlythose records, and production and control procedures as may be necessary todetermine compliance with the good manufacturing practice regulationsestablished under § 4-2-9(a).
(b) A separate notice shall be given for each inspection, buta notice shall not be required for each entry made during the period covered bythe inspection. Each inspection shall be commenced and completed withreasonable promptness. Upon completion of the inspection, the person in chargeof the facility or vehicle shall be so notified.
(c) If the officer or employee making the inspection of afactory, warehouse, or other establishment has obtained a sample in the courseof the inspection upon completion of the inspection and prior to leaving thepremises he or she shall give to the owner, operator, or agent in charge areceipt describing the samples obtained.
(d) If the owner of any factory, warehouse, or establishmentdescribed in subsection (a), or the owner's agent, refuses to admit thedirector or the director's agent to inspect in accordance with subsections (a)and (b), the director is authorized to obtain from the attorney general awarrant directing the owner or the owner's agent to submit the premisesdescribed in the warrant to inspection.
(e) For the purpose of the enforcement of this chapter, thedirector or the director's designated agent is authorized to enter upon publicor private premises including any vehicle of transport during regular businesshours to have access to, and obtain samples, and to examine records relating todistribution of commercial feeds.
(f) Sampling and analysis shall be conducted in accordancewith methods published by the association of official analytical chemists, orin accordance with other generally recognized methods.
(g) The results of all analysis of official samples shall beforwarded by the director to the person named on the label and to thepurchaser. When the inspection and analysis of an official sample indicates acommercial feed has been adulterated or misbranded and upon request withinthirty (30) days following receipt of the analysis the director shall furnishto the registrant a portion of the sample concerned.
(h) The director, in determining for administrative purposeswhether a commercial feed is deficient in any component, shall be guided by theofficial sample as defined in § 4-2-3(13) and obtained and analyzed asprovided for in subsections (c), (e), and (f) of this section.