§ 4-19-16 - Mandatory spaying and neutering of dogs and cats adopted from a licensed releasing agency.
SECTION 4-19-16
§ 4-19-16 Mandatory spaying and neuteringof dogs and cats adopted from a licensed releasing agency. (a) No licensed releasing agency shall release, sell, trade, give away,exchange, adopt out, or otherwise transfer with or without a fee any dog or catthat has not been spayed or neutered unless the adopting party executes awritten agreement with the licensed releasing agency to have the dog or catspayed or neutered within thirty (30) days of the adoption date or withinthirty (30) days from the date that the dog or cat reaches sexual maturity,with the cost of the spaying or neutering to be the responsibility of theadopting party.
(2) The written agreement must include the dog or cat's age,sex, and general description; the date of adoption and the date by which thedog or cat must be spayed or neutered; the adopting party's name, address,phone number, and signature; the licensed releasing agency's name, address,phone number, and the dollar amount of the deposit remitted.
(3) In addition to executing the written agreement theadopting party must leave with the licensed releasing agency a deposit of notless than twenty dollars ($20.00) and not more than forty dollars ($40.00). Theamount of the deposit shall be determined by the licensed releasing agency.This deposit will be refunded by the licensed releasing agency to the adoptingparty upon presentation of a written statement or receipt from a licensedveterinarian of the adopting party's choice where the dog or cat was spayed orneutered providing that the spaying or neutering was performed within thethirty (30) day period.
(4) Alternatively, the licensed releasing agency shall makeappropriate arrangements for the spaying or neutering of the dog or cat by alicensed veterinarian and have the surgery completed before releasing the dogor cat to the adopting party.
(b) The following are exemptions from the provisions ofsubsection (a):
(1) A licensed releasing agency returns a stray dog or cat toits owner.
(ii) A licensed releasing agency receives a written reportfrom a licensed veterinarian stating that the life of the dog or cat would bejeopardized by the surgery and that this health condition is likely to bepermanent.
(iii) A licensed releasing agency receives a written reportfrom a licensed veterinarian stating that there is a temporary healthcondition, including sexual immaturity, which would make surgery lifethreatening to the dog or cat or impracticable, in which instance the licensedreleasing agency shall grant the adopting party an appropriate extension oftime in which to have the dog or cat spayed or neutered based on theveterinarian's report.
(iv) A licensed releasing agency transfers a dog or cat toanother licensed releasing agency.
(2) The exemptions provided in subdivisions (ii) and (iii)above are only applicable if the licensed releasing agency receives a writtenreport from a licensed veterinarian within the thirty (30) day period duringwhich the spaying or neutering would otherwise be required, or in the case of areport contemplated by subdivision (ii), the report may be provided to thelicensed releasing agency during any temporary extension period provided bysubdivision (iii) if the health condition of the dog or cat has changed.
(c) If requested to do so, a licensed releasing agency shallrefund deposited funds to the adopting party upon reasonable proof beingpresented to the releasing agency by the adopting party that the dog or catdied before the expiration of the period during which the spaying or neuteringwas required to be completed.
(d) Any and all licensed releasing agencies:
(1) May enter into cooperative agreements with each other andwith veterinarians in carrying out this section; and
(2) Shall make a good faith effort to cause an adopting partyto comply with this section.