§ 4-13-4 - Dog licenses – Fees – Penalties.

SECTION 4-13-4

   § 4-13-4  Dog licenses – Fees –Penalties. – (a) Every owner or keeper of a dog shall annually in April obtain a licenseeffective May 1 in the office of the city or town clerk of the city or town inwhich the owner or keeper resides.

   (2) The fees for the license shall be five dollars ($5.00).

   (3) No city or town shall issue any license under thissection unless the dog has been inoculated against rabies for the period oftime which the license would be valid.

   (4) All licenses issued under the provisions of this chaptershall be valid in every city or town during the then current year.

   (5) Any person who becomes the owner or keeper of a dog shallobtain a license within thirty (30) days after he or she becomes the owner orkeeper.

   (6) The Cumberland town clerk may issue a license renewableevery two (2) years for a licensing fee of six dollars ($6.00).

   (ii) Glocester town council may provide for an annuallicensing fee of fourteen dollars ($14.00) for all dogs except spayed orneutered females and males and for an annual licensing fee of seven dollars($7.00) for spayed or neutered female and male dogs.

   (iii) Jamestown town council may provide by ordinance for anannual licensing fee not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00) for neutered dogs,and not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for unneutered dogs.

   (iv) Newport city council may, however, provide by ordinancefor an annual licensing fee of not more than ten dollars ($10.00) for allspayed and neutered dogs, and for an annual licensing fee of not more thanfifteen dollars ($15.00) for unspayed females and unneutered males.

   (v) North Smithfield town council may provide by ordinancefor an annual licensing fee of five dollars ($5.00) for all dogs.

   (vi) South Kingstown town council may provide for an annuallicensing fee of twelve dollars ($12.00) for all dogs except spayed or neuteredfemales and male dogs and for an annual licensing fee of seven dollars ($7.00)for spayed or neutered female and male dogs.

   (B) The South Kingstown town council may assess an impoundfee.

   (vii) Westerly town council may provide by ordinance for anannual license fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for unspayed female dogs andunneutered male dogs;

   (B) May provide for a fee of one dollar ($1.00) for thereplacement of lost dog tags;

   (C) May provide that no fee be charged to license guide dogsused by persons with disabilities;

   (D) May provide for the number of licenced dogs which may bekept at any single-family residence, other than a breeding kennel; and

   (E) May provide for pecuniary penalties not exceedingtwenty-five dollars ($25.00) for violations.

   (viii) Woonsocket city council may provide by ordinance foran annual licensing fee of five dollars ($5.00) for all dogs.

   (ix) West Warwick town council may provide by ordinance foran annual license fee of seven dollars ($7.00) for each neutered male or spayedfemale and fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each unneutered male and unspayedfemale.

   (B) May provide by ordinance for a payment of a two dollars($2.00) fee for duplicate or for replacement tags.

   (x) Pawtucket city council may provide by ordinance for anannual licensing fee not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00) for spayed orneutered dogs, and not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for unspayed orunneutered dogs.

   (B) May provide by ordinance for an annual licensing fee fordogs owned by residents age 65 or older not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) forspayed or neutered dogs, and not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00) for unspayed orunneutered dogs.

   (xi) Scituate town council may provide by ordinance for anannual license fee not to exceed twenty ($20.00) dollars for all dogs.

   (b) Every person, owning or keeping a dog not licensed and/orcollared according to the provisions of this chapter, shall be fined tendollars ($10.00) to be applied to the support of the city or town, and thatfine shall be in addition to all other lawful fees.

   (c) Any city or town may waive the fee to be charged tolicense guide dogs used by persons with disabilities.

   (d) In the city of Woonsocket, every person owning or keepinga dog not licensed and/or collared according to the provisions of this chaptershall be fined fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first offense, one hundreddollars ($100) for the second offense and one hundred fifty dollars ($150) forthe third and subsequent offenses.