§ 4-13-10 - Thoroughbred dogs exempt Kennel licenses.
SECTION 4-13-10
§ 4-13-10 Thoroughbred dogs exempt Kennel licenses. No license fee is imposed on any thoroughbred dogs kept for breeding and studpurposes only; provided, that the dog is owned by a breeder or annual exhibitorof thoroughbred dogs; and provided, further, that the dogs are kept in abreeding kennel licensed in accordance with the provisions of this section, andonly allowed at large in charge of the owner or keeper of that kennel. Everyowner or keeper of thoroughbred dogs may make application to the city or townclerk or board of police commissioners or chief of police granting the doglicenses in the town or city in which that kennel is proposed to be located forwhat shall be known as a kennel license. The application states the name ornames of the owner and keeper of the kennel, the proposed location of thekennel, and the number of dogs to be kept; and that the dogs are to be keptonly for breeding and stud purposes. If that town or city clerk or board ofpolice commissioners or chief of police deems that the kennel and the use andoperation of that kennel at that location would not constitute a publicnuisance, he, she, or they shall issue a kennel license authorizing the owneror keeper to keep the kennel in the definite location to be specified in thelicense, upon the payment by the applicant of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) forthe license. Every kennel license is for a period not exceeding one year andexpires on the first day of April. All moneys received shall be credited to thedog fund of the town or city. Any person without a kennel license whoestablishes or keeps a kennel shall be fined not exceeding five dollars ($5.00)for each day the kennel is kept.