§ 4-12-2 - Definitions.

SECTION 4-12-2

   § 4-12-2  Definitions. – As used in §§ 4-12-2 – 4-12-17 unless the context clearlyrequires otherwise, the following terms mean:

   (1) "Abandoned colony or apiary" means any colony or apiarywhich is not currently registered and has not been registered within thepreceding two (2) years and/or which the inspector is unable to locate theowner and is unable to inspect due to conditions within the colony which renderthe colony or apiary uninspectable.

   (2) "Apiary" means any place or location where one or morecolonies or nuclei of bees are kept.

   (3) "Authorized official" means the state official authorizedto inspect apiaries in the state of origin of bees being transported into orthrough the state.

   (4) "Beekeeper" means any individual, person, firm,association or corporation owning, possessing, or controlling one or morecolonies of bees for the production of honey, beeswax, or byproducts, or forthe pollination of crops for either personal or commercial use.

   (5) "Beekeeping equipment" means all hives, hive bodies,supers, frames, combs, bottom boards, covers, excluders, screens, escapeboards, feeders, hive tools, slatted racks, or other devices or boxes or othercontainers which may have been used in the capturing or holding of swarms, andincluding honey which may be or may have been used in or on any hive, colony,nuclei or used in the rearing or manipulation of bees or their brood.

   (6) "Bees" means any stage of the common honey bee, apismellifera, or other bees kept for the production of honey, wax or pollination.

   (7) "Colony" means the bees inhabiting a single hive, nucleibox or dwelling place.

   (8) "Director" means the director of the Rhode Islanddepartment of environmental management.

   (9) "Disease" means American foulbrood and any otherinfectious, contagious or communicable disease affecting bees or their brood.

   (10) "Eradicate" means the destruction and/or disinfection ofinfected and/or infested bees, equipment and/or pests by burning or bytreatment approved by the state inspector.

   (11) "Feral colony" means an unowned or unmanaged colony ofbees existing naturally.

   (12) "Hive" means any man-made domicile with removable framesfor keeping bees.

   (13) "Inspector" means a person appointed by the director tocheck for diseased conditions or pest infestations in one or more apiaries asauthorized by law.

   (14) "Pests" means the honey bee tracheal mite, Acarapiswoodi; and the Varroa mite, Varroa jacobsoni, and any other arthropod pestsdetrimental to honey bees; and genetic strains of the Africanized sub species,Apis mellifera adansoni and/or Apis mellifera scutellata.

   (15) "Swarms" means a natural division of a colony in theprocess of becoming a feral colony.