§ 4-10-4 - Limited and unlimited licenses Bond.
SECTION 4-10-4
§ 4-10-4 Limited and unlimited licenses Bond. Licenses shall be issued in two (2) forms:
(1) A limited license which permits the licensee to dobusiness on a United States currency basis only.
(2) An unlimited license issued to any person, firm, orcorporation, as referred to in § 4-10-3, who furnishes a bond withsufficient surety in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), executed bya surety company authorized to do business within this state, payable to anypoultry producer residing in this state that has sold live poultry to thatlicensed dealer, conditioned upon the faithful performance of all legalobligations incurred in the buying of live poultry from the poultry producer.