§ 4-1-27 - Auction of lost or abandoned animals and poultry.
SECTION 4-1-27
§ 4-1-27 Auction of lost or abandonedanimals and poultry. (a) The general agent of the Rhode Island society for the prevention of crueltyto animals, within his or her discretion, may sell at public auction any lostor abandoned animals and poultry. Before proceeding to sale, the general agentshall give notice to the owners of the lost or abandoned animals by advertisingonce a week for three (3) successive weeks prior to the sale in some dailynewspaper printed in English and published in this state.
(b) The agent is not liable in any legal action broughtagainst him or her based on the sale. The proceeds of the sales shall be turnedover to the Rhode Island society for the prevention of cruelty to animals to beused to defray the cost of shelter and care of animals which are the subject ofthe sale and to cover any costs incident to the sale.
(c) Any remaining proceeds from the sale shall be held for aperiod of two (2) years by the Rhode Island society for the prevention ofcruelty to animals for the account of the rightful owner, who, upon making aclaim and showing satisfactory evidence of ownership, shall be entitled tothose proceeds. If unclaimed within that two (2) year period, the proceedsshall then become the property of the Rhode Island society for the preventionof cruelty to animals to be used for any and all purposes of the society.