§ 39-9-9 - Fixing of rates for milk.
SECTION 39-9-9
§ 39-9-9 Fixing of rates for milk. On the petition of a person desiring to forward milk over a railroad, thedivision of public utilities and carriers shall ascertain at what ratefacilities for carriage of milk under contract or in large quantities arefurnished by the railroad corporation, and shall compare the rate with thetariff for the carriage of milk by the can from and to the same places,including a reasonable compensation for the care of milk by the can; and if thetariff for care and carriage by the can is unreasonably more than the rate forits carriage under contract or in large quantities, the division of publicutilities and carriers shall revise the tariff and fix rates therefor fairlyproportionate with the contract or large quantity rates, and shall notify thecorporation of the revision.