§ 39-9-11 - Baggage of passengers.
SECTION 39-9-11
§ 39-9-11 Baggage of passengers. Every passenger upon a railroad within the limits of this state shall have theprivilege of taking with him or her upon any train, on which he or she is apassenger, personal baggage not exceeding eighty pounds (80 lbs) in weight,without any charge on the part of the railroad company transporting thebaggage, except the railroad fare of the passenger; and bicycles are herebydeclared to be, and are decreed to be baggage, within the meaning of thissection, and shall be by the railroad companies transported as baggage, subjectto the same liabilities; provided, however, that no railroad company shall berequired to transport more than one bicycle for a single person, and nopassenger shall be required to crate, cover, or otherwise protect any bicycle.