§ 39-4-3 - Investigations on complaint against utility "Safe and potable" defined.
SECTION 39-4-3
§ 39-4-3 Investigations on complaintagainst utility "Safe and potable" defined. (a) Upon a written complaint made against any public utility by any city ortown council, or the water supply management division of the department ofenvironmental management, or by any corporation or by any twenty-five (25)qualified electors that any of the rates, tolls, charges, or any joint rate orrates of any public utility are in any respect unreasonable or unjustlydiscriminatory, or that any regulation, measurement, practice, or actwhatsoever of any public utility, affecting or relating to the conveyance ofpersons or property, including sewage, or any service in connection therewith,or the conveyance of any telephone or telegraph message or any service inconnection therewith, is in any respect unreasonable, insufficient, or unjustlydiscriminatory, or that any service is inadequate or cannot be obtained or isunsafe, or the public safety is endangered thereby, or in the case of drinkingwater that the water is either unsafe or nonpotable, or that the water supplieris in noncompliance with title 46, chapter 15.4 et seq., the division shallproceed, with or without notice, to make such investigation as it may deemnecessary or convenient. But no order affecting the rates, tolls, charges,regulations, measurements, practice, act, or service complained of shall beentered by the division without a formal public hearing. When any complaintshall be made by twenty-five (25) or more qualified electors, the complaintshall designate one of the complainants upon whom shall be served all notices,orders, and citations required by this chapter to be served upon complainants.
(b) The term "safe and potable" shall mean the suitability orfitness for human consumption of drinking water.