§ 39-3-39 - Purchase of power from small production facilities by electric utilities.
SECTION 39-3-39
§ 39-3-39 Purchase of power from smallproduction facilities by electric utilities. The public utilities commission shall require that all electric utilitiessubject to the "Third supplementary decision and order" in that matter entitled"In Re: Arrangements between electric utilities and qualifying cogeneration andsmall power production facilities" Docket No. 1549 before the public utilitiescommission to purchase additional power from small production facilities at theceiling price established by each utility pursuant to said decision and order.The electric utilities subject to the decision and order shall purchase powerunder a standard contract and at the ceiling price from qualifying cogenerationfacilities and qualifying small power production facilities, as defined in thePublic Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA") (16 U.S.C. §2601 et seq.) with a capacity of ten (10) megawatts (10 MW) or less that arelocated in the state. The electric utilities to the public utilities thirdsupplementary decision and order issued in Docket No. 1549 shall not berequired to enter into agreements at the ceiling price for more than two andone-half percent (21/2%) of its peak load during the prior year.