§ 39-3-3 - Certificate requirement for water carriers.
SECTION 39-3-3
§ 39-3-3 Certificate requirement for watercarriers. (a) No common carrier of persons and/or property operating upon water betweentermini within this state shall hereafter furnish or sell its services unlessthe common carrier shall first have made application to and obtained acertificate from the division certifying that public convenience and necessityrequired the services. A filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100) mustaccompany all filings made pursuant to this section. Certificates issued underthis section shall be renewed before the close of business on December 31 ofeach calendar year. The renewal fee shall be one hundred dollars ($100) andshall be submitted with the renewal form. All revenues received under thissection shall be deposited as general revenues; provided, however, that thisfee shall not apply to any city or town, to any agency or department of anycity or town of the state, or to any nonprofit corporation, in the tourismindustry.
(b) A copy of any application filed with either thecommission or the division by a water common carrier which includes a NewShoreham terminus shall be provided by the water common carrier to the NewShoreham town clerk by certified mail.
(c) Notwithstanding any provision of §§ 39-5-1and/or 42-35-15 or any other provision of the general or public laws to thecontrary, no agency nor reviewing court, may order an interlocutory stay of anyorder of the division with respect to an application entered under §39-3-3.1, and/or certificate under § 39-3-3.1. Nothing herein shall beconstrued to limit the right of any petitioner, public utility, party ininterest or other person or entity aggrieved by an order of the divisionentered under § 39-3-3.1, from seeking judicial review in accordance with§§ 39-5-1 and/or 42-35-15.