§ 39-3-27 - Definitions.
SECTION 39-3-27
§ 39-3-27 Definitions. (a) "Affiliate" means and include the following:
(1) Every person owning or holding, directly or indirectly,ten percent (10%) or more of the voting capital stock of a public utility.
(2) Any corporation, voluntary association or trust, tenpercent (10%) or more of the voting capital stock of which is owned orcontrolled directly or indirectly by a person owning or controlling directly orindirectly ten percent (10%) or more of the voting capital stock of a publicutility.
(3) Any person with whom a public utility has a management orservice contract or arrangement of the character set forth in § 39-3-28,including contracts for personal services with persons not otherwise affiliated.
(b) "Person" means and includes individuals, corporations,trustees, lessees, holders of beneficial equitable title, voluntaryassociations, receivers, and partnerships.