§ 39-2.1-1 - Location of residential gas regulators and gas meters.
SECTION 39-2.1-1
§ 39-2.1-1 Location of residential gasregulators and gas meters. (a) Prior to the location or relocation of any residential gas regulator or gasmeter, the public utility shall consult with the owner(s) of the property as totheir preference concerning the most suitable location for such devices, andthe public utility shall give preference to locations that are least visiblyprominent.
(b) The public utility is hereby prohibited from installinggas regulators and/or gas meters on the visible front of any residentialproperty or visible sides of the property that face a public right-of-way,unless permitted to do so by the owner or unless it is determined that thereexists no prudent and feasible alternative to such location. In high-pressuresystems, the gas regulator may be located in an unobtrusive exterior locationthat is not visible from a public right-of-way.