§ 39-19-8.1 - Administrative civil penalties.
SECTION 39-19-8.1
§ 39-19-8.1 Administrative civilpenalties. The administrator may in his or her discretion, in lieu of seeking a suspensionor revocation of a certificate as conferred under this chapter, impose upon itsregulated CATV companies an administrative penalty. Any CATV company whichviolates any of the provisions of this chapter, or any division order, rule, orregulation issued or promulgated under this chapter, or does any act prohibitedin this chapter, or fails or refuses to perform any duty enjoined upon it forwhich a penalty has not been provided, is subject to a penalty of not less thantwo hundred dollars ($200) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), and inthe case of a continuing violation of any of the provisions of the chapter,every day's continuance of a violation is a separate and distinct offense.