§ 39-19-8 - Revocation or change of certificate.
SECTION 39-19-8
§ 39-19-8 Revocation or change ofcertificate. The commission may, after affording the holder an opportunity to be heard,revoke, suspend, or alter any certificate for willful violation of anyprovision of this chapter, or the rules and regulations or orders promulgatedunder the authority of this chapter, or for failure to commence operationswithin a reasonable time, or for other reasonable cause. If a holder of acertificate after commencing operations shall fail for a continuous period ofsixty (60) days to render proper service without good reason therefor, theadministrator shall revoke the certificate. In the exercise of the police powerof the state, the commission may revoke or refuse to renew the license of anyCATV company whose programs originating in this state have been adjudged by acourt of competent jurisdiction to be obscene.