§ 39-18-18 - Action by resolution Reports Audits.
SECTION 39-18-18
§ 39-18-18 Action by resolution Reports Audits. (a) Any action taken by the authority under the provisions of this chapter maybe authorized by resolution at any regular or special meeting, and eachresolution shall take effect immediately and need not be published or posted.
(b) Within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscalyear, the authority shall approve and submit an annual report to the governor,the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, andthe secretary of state, of its activities during that fiscal year. The reportshall provide: an operating statement summarizing meetings or hearings held,including meeting minutes, subjects addressed, decisions rendered, permitsconsidered and their disposition, rules or regulations promulgated, studiesconducted, polices and plans developed, approved, or modified, and programsadministered or initiated; a consolidated financial statement of all fundsreceived and expended including the source of the funds, a listing of any staffsupported by these funds, and a summary of any clerical, administrative ortechnical support received; a summary of performance during the previous fiscalyear including accomplishments, shortcomings and remedies; a synopsis ofhearings, complaints, suspensions, or other legal matters related to theauthority of the authority; a summary of any training courses held pursuant tothe provisions of this chapter; a briefing on anticipated activities in theupcoming fiscal year, and findings and recommendations for improvements. Thereport shall be posted electronically on the websites of the general assemblyand the secretary of state pursuant to the provisions of § 42-20-8.2. Thedirector of the department of administration shall be responsible for theenforcement of the provisions of this subsection.
(c) The director of administration shall cause an annualaudit of the books, records, and accounts of the authority to be made and thecosts thereof shall be treated as part of the cost of operation of theauthority.